Thank you so much for making the facts about Springfield known.

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I know I can always rely on you to tell the whole story. Thank you for all you do. We need so many more like you!

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Great article

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Very glad to see that this terrific analysis is cited at length by Jonathan V. Last in his "Bulwark" Substack. (https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/WhctKLbMvHpVLdStvVkkbTjcLrXbQlhhmLfRqPcxRCSzGHkwWqCvZNdPzcXgmKHdxhzpgGq)

This isn't the first Last citation of "The Watch," and it's great to see the very high quality work here reaching a wide audience.

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Just got around to reading this. Outstanding. Thank you.

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Thank you for bringing the data to back up what I thought was happening for decades. This is what the USA is built on

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