I have to imagine that you've been waiting a while to be allowed to publically critique Thiessen's columns. I tried a temp subscription to the post this year, and he is one of the reasons it's being allowed to lapse. There are a million different writers they could employ as the Conservative Commentator, many of whom could and would make good faith arguments arising from a cogent philosophy, rather than jumbled Republican talking points delivered with snide and smarm.

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I'm so annoyed with the Post for platforming bad-faith asswipes like Thiessen and Hewitt.

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Thiessen is a bootlicker.

After the last few years I realized I find the Post's opinion section so unendurable that you and Serious Trouble are now getting that subscription money instead.

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And of course we have the example of the OK Democratic nominee for governor making headlines this past week by calling out Stitt on this issue in their debate, in the WaPo as well for Marc to read: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/20/oklahoma-debate-stitt-hofmeister-crime/

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I was once asked to write something on higher ed for the Manhattan Institute but after they read it, they decided we weren’t a match.

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Thiessen is too easy a target, lol. You could write this piece every week. How about your thoughts on Judge McFadden being lenient in sentencing an insurrectionist because the guy was only 24 and “young people often make mistakes?” Does the judge generally show that sort of mercy and understanding--or only when the defendant is a white UCLA student who tried to overthrow the government?

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Thank you, Radley. I’m going to share this with my students..

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