I'm not getting more liberal. But I'm definitely getting more anti-"conservative," as that term has been debased and degraded by the loathsome modern American Right.

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Bradley, this was spot on. 25 years in policing at a 1000-strong department and I’ve known many of these “special” squads. They are stacked with usually young, very aggressive cops who are given way too much freedom and too little accountability. We must have national standards and a complete overhaul of how we select and train in order to ensure the professional type of policing this country desperately needs.

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Should I indeed then take the most cynical interpretation of the FOP disavowal of these cops?

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Excellent analysis. The corruption, intellectual and otherwise, is deep, and you are providing a much-needed corrective. But I do think you need an editor since you fairly frequently leave words that you thought you replaced. Also, is "Blue Wall of Science" the result of a dictation error? Hard to tell, but it may point to a lack of proofreading.

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What a great article. Why are so many right wing tropes lies on top of lies. Your investigative reporting is very valuable, I hope someone hears it!

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Thank you so much for this information. Thank you, thank you.

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Fantastic analysis, as usual. And "Blue Wall of Science" - lol.

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