Stephen Miller would have been right at home in the Waffen SS. Every time I see him I visualize him in an SS uniform. He would have been Hitlers right hand man too.

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Look up Reinhard Heydrich in Wikipedia. He even looks like Stephen Miller.

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First of all, thanks for your article. It is something I’ve been stressing about for a while and it feels like there has been little talk about it in the liberal community. It feels like people just don’t get the scope of what is being planned. We are talking about more than 6 times the population of Gaza being forcibly removed. More than half have been here for 10 years or more with more than 30% living here more than 15 years. They have homes and families. What Trump is planning is monstrous. Anybody who does not vote for Biden is voting for Stephen Miller’s plan to turn this country into Nazi Germany.

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Excellent piece.

I am sure you thought of it and you - sort of - mentioned it.

What about local "militias" that form themselves to "assist"? (You mentioned the Proud Boys)

I could totally see people excited to become a part of it all. Rounding up and turning in their neighbors to show that they are "good citizens."

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This is an excellent and illuminating thought experiment. But one major question about the “2025 Plan” and Trump’s aspirations in general has always been how close it is to becoming reality. There are multiple, multiple safeguards (corporate lobbying, Congressional limits, lower federal courts, budget realities) that would make so much of this completely impossible.

Trump’s incompetence and inability to actually get things done - especially something as monumentally unrealistic as this - would show up, as would Congressional Rs fears about 2026 and 2028, not to mention even some state elected Rs who would see the political downsides to something like this.

Trump back as POTUS would be pretty terrible, but regardless, it is likely to cause the same sort of electoral reaction at midterms and in ‘28 that we always see. No one knows exactly how far the 2025 Plan insanity could go, but certainly nowhere near this far.

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Someone once pointed years ago on Twitter that when Miller's dreamed-for White Nationalist army came looking for "enemies," that Miller wouldn't exactly be spared since he's, you know, Jewish.

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