Sadly, this exhausting roundup is still only the highlights of the horrific proof of our seriously broken criminal justice system. QI has to be ended. Also, we hear much these days about the very real problem of bad cops not losing their certifications and moving on. I'd suggest that an equal, if not more pressing issue is the police leaders who are continuously recycled to head the next agency.

One example: NYPDs Garry McCarthy, one of the architects of Stop and Frisk, then moves onto Chicago, where he suppresses the Laquan McDonald murder video for a year (with the help of Rom Emanuel), I just stumbled across the fact that he is now the Chief at a smaller, suburban Chicago agency. We could list many others.

These so-called policing and CJ experts make the rounds to think tanks, punditry, and policy-making. Radley, if we keep asking the same leaders who (arguably) create or continue failed policing to tell us how to fix this, it will NEVER happen. Garbage in, garbage out.

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I'd like to hear your "Top 10 List" of the worst pro-cop House and Senate members, as well as a "Top 10 List" of the best House and Senate members on criminal justice reform.

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Hello kind sir, I’ve emailed you numerous times about a story I’d like to discuss and I’ve never received a reply. Is this because you’re not interested or have you not received these emails? Thanks.

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I am working on a law school case about trans women being targeted supposedly for solicitation for prostitution. Have you done any investigating about who gets targeted in city roundups these days?

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A serious question: Can an armed citizen legally shoot a police officer who is attacking him or another citizen for mistaken or zero cause? Not that I recommend it---better to obey and sue later. But as we've seen, some citizens don't have that option and must defend themselves with lethal force or die.

Would the laws of self-defense have protected a citizen who shot the officer in the act of murdering George Floyd? Assuming the citizen survived the 500 police bullets that erupted for such an act, that is?

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A serious answer. This is America. Rights are for rich people.

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