Is there any audible version of any of your writing? [I have a friend who suffers from macular degeneration. He depends on being read to, or audible opportunities.]

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One version of the party platform that I found online does state "Democrats continue to support abolishing the death penalty":


Conversely, I couldn't find any mention of the death penalty on Harris's own campaign site or the version of the Democratic platform on the UCSB American Presidency site.

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He answered the Orban question

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Gay centrist Democrat here. I would have challenged Harris on the Democratic Party's uncritical embrace of gender identity ideology (which is philosophy, not science) and its defense and promotion of:

1) unproven and potentially dangerous gender-affirming care ;

2) the participation of men in women's-only sports;

3) the presence of men in women's-only spaces;

4) the indoctrination in gender identity ideology in elementary school at a time when children lack the capacity to understand gender or sex; and

5) the social and medical transition of youth when it has been shown that most gender nonconforming kids (I definitely was one) and children with gender dysphoria will desist during adolescence and discover they are gay or lesbian if not unduly influenced by others.

I would also ask Harris whether she approves of the virtually universal censorship of sex realist viewpoints in print, television, cable and social media and its hysterical condemnation as "hate speech."

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These are great questions.

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