Amazing interview. A look into a world most of us know nothing about. But the bit about the sexual predator that no one would go after because they were scared of being seen as gay has huge ramifications today....

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Fantastic piece. Thanks for putting this out into the world.

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Incredible interview, the righteous anger and bitter sadness at the end made me cry.

Thank you Mr. Sowards for the brutal honesty, and to both of you for helping me understand the ins and outs of holistic mitigation better. In my short time talking to prisoners, the bit about prior trauma definitely rings true. The shitty part is that people who've been broken by abuse are often not even really aware of it's effects.

And it's incredible (kind of literally incredible) that he has any hope for the system after all that. I personally hope that he writes a book, passes on what he's learned by teaching, and finds a non-shitty PT or trainer to help him mitigate the muscle issues. Bodies are often more capable of change and repair than we give them credit for, so don't listen to people who say it can't be fixed. There's always a way to improve things, whether it be neuromuscular work to fix a body or the hard work that clearly needs to happen to unfuck our punishment system.

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This is informative, moving stuff. Thank you both for giving a damn.

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I know from investigating five murder cases in the last three years that this article is spot on. Perfectly described in so many ways. Over-charging, over-sentencing, and defense attorneys who DO NOT CARE (and cannot care--it takes too much out of you). Prosecutors who use talent and skill to overcome missing facts, and I'll take that over facts any day. Homicide detectives with the training, life experience, and analytical thinking skills of a tenth grader who smokes a lot of weed. The system is fucked and must be rebuilt from the ground up. Great article.

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What an amazing man you interviewed. I would love to meet him. He epitomizes what we are all fighting for. Real justice and not the mass incarceration death row justice we have now, but real justice...

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